Grand Master
Sun-Tue-Thu 09:00am to 10:00am
Sun-Tue-Thu 08:00pm to 09:00pm
The vision to make the body turn flexible as per the mind says was the objective set to achieve when we initiated the yoga classes under the brand name Moon Yoga. Today we are glad to feel proud, "for having more smiles in faces, much flexibility in muscles and repeatedly creating cheers to those hearts to beat "wow" through our yoga classes."
We all know life exist till we breath. We are all used to shallow breathing. This increases toxic levels in our body and increases stress level also. Deep breathing reduces stress and toxins. By learning and practicing prayanama properly, we can remove toxins from our body. Deep breathing relaxes our body.
Yoga is a life of a self-discipline based on the principle of simple living and high thinking. It is a Union of the body, mind and soul. Just as a car requires a lubricating system, a battery, a cooling system, proper fuel, and a responsible driver behind the wheel, the body also has certain needs if it has to function smoothly.
There are many types of physical exercise, but the yogic system of asanas is complete, benefiting far more than just the physical body. The asanas emphasize deep breathing, relaxed movements, and mental concentration which can be achieved by proper yoga and proper guidance.
Join IGFK and be healthy.